My name is Benedicta, I like to be called Benny. I support individuals both adults, young persons, and teens to deepen their awareness of life and love for a purposeful relationship so that they can live the life they love and so desire.

What I do?
for your better future

As human beings, relationships play vital roles in our lives including our intrapersonal relationship which means that successful relationship is indispensable if success, happiness, health and purposeful life is desired.

As a coach, I take a holistic approach to supporting my coachee to achieve their desired coaching agenda by incorporating all tools and solutions required to accomplish a successful relationship and excellence in every area of their life.

As a coach I support my coachees to flip their lives around, as a speaker, I dig into those areas of life challenges that others avoid, those unspeakable struggles and challenges to get my audiences to allow space to those struggles they avoid so that improved choices and decisions can be made.

As a philanthropist, I am hands-on doing that real thing with the less privileged, sponsoring the needy and improving lives of widows and orphans in the rural areas in Africa.

As a local woman I engage in community events that promote the mental well beings of those that have endured the unspoken traumatic events but are culturally restricted from seeking support such as domestic violence, child death, sex abuse, estranged parents as a child, lack of social or emotional support, parenting marriage, living alone together marriages and so on.

The aim of this community groups is to give listening ears to them as an informal way of dealing and making sense of their challenges so that subsequently they can be able to seek professional support or find solace from the support provided to them.

Astrid Coaching My Purpose

My purpose is to enable you to find fulfillment and wholeness in your life and to find the your love and live the life that you SOOO desire. My aim is to bring positive change in the world by working with individuals to improve their lives and mental wellbeing through coaching and therapy services.


I am a woman on a mission to improve individual and societal lives through my career as a Psychotherapist, Life and Relationship coach and consultant to educate, inspire and transform the lives of those desiring purposeful living and ready to commit to finding, maintaining and keeping the loving relationship that they want and live the life they SOOO desire. I strongly believe that the kind of relationships we have also contribute to life successes.
I am a realist, and a woman with lived experiences that compelled my search for what it takes to have the relationship that I SOOO desire and live the life that I SOOO loved.
PUBLIC SPEAKERI am a determined and success-driven woman, a philanthropist, a mother, a career woman, a student, a public speaker and a life and relationship coach.

Why I do
What I do?

I have had very turbulent relationships from my childhood and as an adult . At my lowest point I sought therapy and relationship coaching . I had zero confidence and low self-esteem, and this affected my love life as I began to make wrong choices.

I began to study relationship trends and patterns, and what makes relationships fail or even succeed. I observed relationship patterns in child-parent, peer groups, intimate partners, couples, adult children, and their parents’ relationships. My findings were insightful and intriguing that I took to learning about relationships to improve mine and my children’s relationships and also trained as a relationship coach and therapy to serve others. I was determined to make a change first to prepare myself for my next relationship and to prepare others for a successful and loving relationship, and to support teenagers and young persons to make conscious choices and be the chooser in their intimate relationships. I am very confident that with physiotherapy and relationship coaching, domestic violence, intimate partner abuse, children mirroring wrong parental characters, single parenting, child-parent, divorce/separation and unhappy and parenting marriages would be drastically minimized.

I am so passionate about my career and would not exchange it for another because I am a living testament of how relationship coaching can make a drastic change in someone’s life. I can relate with my clients at a much deeper level and confidently challenge them beyond their comfort space because that is where their change dwells additionally, my personal experience and quest for solution empowered me with skills and abilities as a coach.

My training as relationship and life coach, counselling physiologist and existential psychotherapist were under esteems gurus in the field who had equally experienced failures in their previous relationships. And understand what it means to be at the lowest point . and to partner with another person to commit to everlasting improved intimate relationships. With my counselling physiologist and existential psychotherapist i provide threptic support to improve individual and group mental wellbeing.

I am equipped with the necessary tools, books, practices, new thinking patterns and sharpened innate abilities to be that coach to take my clients through their journey. My calling is now to curate and make accessible these deliverables so that my clients can also find balance, fulfilment and abundance in their relationships and live the lives they SOOO desire.
Strengthen your emotional bond
Solid relationships in a marriage are built on trust, emotional intimacy, love and respect.
Set goals
Believe that life is for the living and too short to waste on unresolved conflicts, unhappy marital relationships
Intimacy and
It takes intention and full time involvment to keep passion alive in long-term relationships.
Invest in yourself
Successful couples can work through anything, provided they have communication.
Strengthen your emotional bond
Solid relationships in a marriage are built on trust, emotional intimacy, love and respect.
Improve your
Learn how to improve your career, create a lifestyle that encourages more, and how to avoid stress.
Intimacy and
It takes intention and full time involvment to keep passion alive in long-term relationships.
Improve your communication
Successful couples can work through anything, provided they have communication.

Benny Is CertifiedFull Of Experience

What others say
about us

We help our clients create more love, happiness, and success through counseling and relationship coaching, individual therapy.

I started working with Bene in approx. May last year. I came to the Centre hoping to engage with a therapist on a more long-term basis, as previously I had only done short courses of CBT therapy to help with anxiety/depression and panic attacks, and whilst they were helpful in providing me with some tools, I felt they didn’t address the root issues. I was hoping to spend time digging into deeper-held beliefs and behavioral patterns.


I was paired with Bene, and have found our time together to be really enriching, thought-provoking, and challenging (in a good way). I connected with her therapeutic approach, and together we were able to discuss some philosophical approaches to the bigger questions of existence and living that I found really intellectually stimulating, and that helped me come to terms with why I had thus far been feeling so at odds with a lot of aspects of my life.


She was also very kind and gentle, and created a space where I felt welcomed and that I could speak about anything with her. I am leaving therapy feeling a lot more resilient, less anxious, and with a far better understanding of myself and how to approach my life in ways that align better with my values as a person. I send my huge gratitude to Bene!


Benny was an amazing therapist. She was kind, caring and warm. She was entirely non-judgmental and I felt I could be my full self around her. Her calm energy definitely rubbed off on me during the sessions and I always came away feeling better than when I went in. I cannot thank her enough for guiding me on my journey.


My work-life balance has improved and I am grateful Benny for her expertise in my area of need. My life has truly changed and I am a lot happier with my life.


Thank you from the bottom of my heart. E. Benny is such an insightful genuine counselling psychologist and psychotherapist. Working with Benny has really been such a wonderful supportive but challenging journey. I am grateful for all her genuine support and for giving me the opportunity to redefine my life. V.


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