Couples Coaching Programs

Getting life coaching advice could easily be one of the best things you ever do for yourself. Coaching opens doors for self empowerment that no one has ever shown you before.

What would it look and feel like to have the connection in your relationship that resists all life challenges? How would it impact you to know the stage of your relationship and understand that more can be achieved in it? How would your life change when your relationship begins to deliver over and beyond the expectations of your relationship deliverables?

If you would like to discuss how I can help you in your friendships, contact me today,


Couples Coaching Programs encourages clients to examine their relationship from three perspectives: your relationship, yourself, and your partner. Each of these perspectives are entity on their own and holds responsibility spaces that fulfil or break the relationship. I call it relationship dimensions that feeds from each other. Amazing isn’t it? Yeah, until I began to learn about what makes a successful relationship and trained as a relationship coach, I had no clue.

In the sessions, the work on the relationship would be focused on the couple as a unit but with their individual subjective experience of the relationship. The focus of our work together depends on the stage of the relationship and where you aspire to move the relationship to. From dating to pre-committed/engaged, pre-marital or to the marital stage.  You may also be married but the marriage is rocky, struggling or a parenting marriage or married for cultural and societal expectations or you want to move your marriage to the advanced partnership stage. No matter your relationship stage and where you desire to move it to, our work together will explore areas that require attention for a more satisfying and fulfilling relationship. Together your needs will be assessed, and plans developed to move your relationship forward.


Sometimes readiness is staggered between couples to engage in relationship coaching, if you want relationship coaching and your partner is not ready, I can coach one or both members of a couple effectively. It only requires one person to make the move for the other to follow, intentions are usually the same, to strengthen, and deepen the relationship and establish connection between the couple to continue to grow and nurture your love for each other.


We have our bespoke Couples Coaching Programs dedicated to moving your relationship further, you can also be coached according to your presenting relationship needs or coaching program customised to meet your need.

Life, Embracing
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2023 Copyright by Astrid Coaching. All rights reserved. Designed By ChriztavoInc